Lil’ Champs Logo
Lil’ Champs is an 8U Mite AAA hockey team that we created skating out of Champions Skating Center. The logo is used across all digital marketing as well as physical products including jerseys, helmet stickers, and other apparel.
For our inspiration, the hockey General Manager had this old pin that he wanted to take the character and recreate it for Lil’ Champs.
Version 1
For the first version, I focused on just creating the overall concept we wanted for the design. Using the inspiration above, I was able to recreate the logo while adding Lil’ Champs branding to it. We decided we wanted Lil’ Champs on the jersey and a “C” on the helmet. The team skates out of Champions Skating Center so the “C” represents Champions.
Final Version
For the final version, I wanted to create a sort of landscape for the design rather than it just being by itself. We decided on a circular logo as it would look clean on the printed jerseys. To add depth to the design, I have the ice skate of the skater over the circle so it looks like it is skating out towards viewers.
